Oh my goodness it has been such a long time since I wrote anything! Did you miss me? Probably not, let's be honest, my blog is teeny weeny and there are so many amazing blogs out there with awesome content, you are sure to have been kept super busy.
So where have I been, what have I done, more importantly, why on earth have I not written a thing for three weeks or more? Well lovely readers, I have been a busy girl, but I also just wanted to take a break. I've alluded to it before, but I write the blog essentially for myself, as my creative outlet and sometimes as a therapeutic tool, to make sense of things that may be going on. Whilst I love writing about all we've been doing, sometimes I almost feel obliged to do so and I fear that in doing that, my writing loses something. I'm not entirely sure if that makes any sense to anyone, but to me it does, so that's just fine.
'That's all well and good,' I here you cry, 'but you still haven't answered our questions about your whereabouts missus.' That is a very fair point, so I shall attempt to squeeze three weeks worth of stuff into a few paragraphs for you.
Easter holidays arrived and we packed the car up, got our Little Orange Dog and headed off to a fabulous, not so little, cottage in Devon for a week. Once we finally arrived, in the dark, and the pouring rain, and having turned the air in the car Fifty Shades of Blue (getting lost in rural Devon late at night is not fun) we settled in for the week. Obviously, having Max with us did limit what we could do, but having a heated indoor pool on site and a games room, meant the girls were more than happy.
To be honest, trying to get them out of the pool was not an easy task, but we did get out and fair to say that when we visited Salcombe, we weren't disappointed. Should you ever venture to this beautiful little seaside town, may I recommend the Salcombe Dairy Ice Cream. It was super scrummy and our Little Orange Doggy enjoyed licking the empty tubs (I'm not sure he should have had ice cream, but he wasn't complaining).
The second week of the holidays was spent at home and full of sleepovers and me running my 'Mum's Taxi' here, there and everywhere. We also had a fabulous day out at Chessington World of Adventures, though sadly we didn't get on the new Gruffalo ride as the queue was ridiculously long, but we live near enough that we can go back and try again.
That's more or less it. I could have written lots of posts over the past few weeks, but sometimes it's good to have a break. Oh and there is the slight issue of me maybe being just a little bit distracted by a rather lovely new man.

I wasn't really expecting to meet anyone just yet, but isn't that just how things work out sometimes. The best part is, he is like no one I have ever met before. Not only is he attractive, he's intelligent, loud, kind, crazy, thoughtful, exciting, caring and there is never a dull moment. If I'm honest, this is probably the main reason, I've not written, but at least now you know. We've been on some fabulous dates and have lots more planned (I'm particularly excited about the rock climbing refresher course). So far though, the highlight for me has been watching him play drums with his band, and may I add, all of them are fantastic musicians and yes I absolutely will be writing a review of the next gig, if they let me. Anyway, I'm sure you are probably dying to know more (unless of course you actually know me in real life, in which case you are probably begging me to shut up), but I should really check with him before I write too much. So for now, I will just say, watch this space.