Sorry, sorry, sorry. I have been so rubbish with the blog this week, but honestly, I have the best excuse (or excuses) ever. Well actually that is debatable, because one could argue that each excuse could itself have been a stand alone blog post, but clearly none of them were and hence I am forced to apologise profusely to you, dear readers.
'So what, pray, are you fabulous excuses?' Well, you are more that entitled to ask and even more entitled to an adequate answer so here goes.
I had intended to write a post on Monday about our rather fab day out in Whitstable the previous day. The sun was shining, there was a lovely cool breeze, unless of course you were a 14 year old girl (Miss. D) in which case it was freezing and you were obliged to moan because you left your hoodie in the car, because it's cold, but you'd be too hot with a hoodie; no D and I didn't quite follow the logic either and put it down to hangriness (the state of being hungry and grumpy). It didn't last too long though and Miss. D and I had a lovely chat whilst D and the two younger girls climbed over the breakers (or whatever they're called).
Monday arrived and Miss. D had an inset day. We don't often get time together alone, so we decided to visit our local Weatherspoons for breakfast. I don't want to make you too jealous, so I'll just share this one photo with you...
...truth is, I have a lovely photo of Miss. D drinking her Caramel Latte, but she has now reached an age where she really doesn't want photos of herself plastered all over her mum's blog, which I suppose is fair enough, but rest assured I will sneak the odd one in here and there. Anyway, back to the food and being pigs we both had a lovely cooked breakfast (veggie version for me, I just cannot cope with fat first thing in the morning) and we were left so full we didn't require lunch.
Now, Tuesday was just a stupid day; let me explain. In my infinite wisdom, I decided en route home from the school run, to detour to Homebase and Dunelm to get paint and new accessories for the downstairs bathroom. It's a teeny under stairs toilet, which I figured wouldn't take too long to paint. Wrong! So, so wrong! It took three coats and most of the sodding day. I then went round to D's armed with a McDonald's to watch him paint his kitchen. In short, I quite literally spent the day watching paint dry.
Wednesday, was my favourite day of the week. As a rule, Wednesday's are a bit of a funny day, stuck in the middle of the week, far enough away from Monday, but nowhere near close enough to Friday afternoon. This week Wednesday was truly awesome! D and I took the day off (well D did, I just arranged child care) and we went to London together. The purpose of the trip was to visit a furniture store he'd found online and which he wanted, quite rightly so, to check the quality of the goods before ordering, but we also managed a mooch around Oxford Street with a bit of shopping thrown in (yes ladies, I did make him check out the Tiffany's section of Selfridge's; one should always make ones standards quite clear from the outset - only joking, I just like looking at sparkly things; I'm really not that high maintenance, darling). Oh and look what else we found...
...yep, someone got to play their first electronic drum kit. If ever I win the lottery jackpot (which will be a miracle, given I don't play it) I have promised to buy him one, in addition to his real kit. Hey, I like sparkly things, he likes drums, a girl's got to look after her man too.
Thursday was just, well Thursday. I really could have done some blog work, but I decided to just chill and so fast forward to Friday and a mate date with the lovely Martyn, of Inside Martyn's Thoughts. Yep, we are friends in real life. Well I say friends, he is more like my annoying little brother and we just kind of bounce insults off one another. Anyway, it's been ages since we saw each other and I really wanted him to meet D, and vice versa so our mates date was at The Druid's Arms to watch the boys gig and what a gig it was. I now see why this is their favourite venue, it was packed.
Thankfully, Martyn and D got on really well (I think it was the geek element) and are happy to trade a bit of friendly banter, or maybe that should be insults. That aside, we had a great evening and Martyn really enjoyed the music, which is good because I've been telling people how amazing the boys are, but because I'm dating the drummer, I'm pretty convinced everyone thinks I'm being a little biased.
Now I have Martyn to back me up, and given that he's a far more accomplished musician than I, he's opinion is more than credible. Oh and if you want to, you can now follow the boys on Twitter too at @trbwerock go on, you know you want to.
So there you have it. my super busy and fun week condensed into one, not so wee post.

It sounds like you have been far too busy for blogging....
ReplyDeleteI have a 14 year old. Without food she gets hangry. I can totally understand that. lol
Mr Kitney seems to get everywhere. hehehe He is a wonderful man. It sounds like a great evening x
Teens are so funny, I often have to wait for her to strop out of the room before killing myself laughing. And yes, that Mr. Kitney is everywhere isn't he, I am very lucky to be able to call him a friend :-) x
DeleteIt sounds like a good week to me. My hubby is a guitar player, although he doesn't play in a band. He's definitely good enough, it's a wonder he's not been snapped up by some band already. He really doesn't have the time to go to practice though, he's too busy looking after me and the kids. I've met Mr. Kitney briefly at the blog awards, I don't know if he'd even remember me.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to be able to play an instrument, I hope your hubby gets to play at home for you Anne. Mr K is quite well known I'm discovering ;-) x
DeleteGoodness, that sounds like a mega busy week, no wonder you didn't get chance to blog. It sounds like you've had a brilliant time though - and that's the main thing. #MMBC
ReplyDeleteIt was the best week ever, well one of them. Since going out with D, there's rarely a dull moment, but this week was especially good because one of my closest friends got to meet my boyfriend :-)
DeleteGreat excuses and really isn't family more important than blogging? #MMBC
ReplyDeleteThat is the most valid excuse of all Carol, why didn't I think of that ;-) x
DeleteLove how you write in such a as you speak way if that makes sense. Also I think I would prefer a drum kit to the sparkly stuff.
ReplyDeleteOh Kate, that is one of the most lovely comments. Thank you so much. Tell you what if I ever win that lottery jackpot I'll buy you a drum kit too ;-) x
DeleteSounds like a busy week. You have managed to pack in a very wide variety of activities in! #MMBC
ReplyDeleteIt really was a very fun and busy week. Not sure I could cope with doing it every week though ;-) x
DeleteI totally get it! I am lagging in posting too as the wee ones are off for summer break and I try desperately to live a life to write about instead of always just writing about life... Gotta be present! Thanks you for this tale, and love that ORANGE DOG! #TriumphantTales
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I'm with you on the whole school holiday thing, not only do you have to find a post to write, but you have to find the time to write it. Have a fun time with the kiddies though, my two are largely busy doing their own thing nowadays xx
DeleteYou have had a busy week! I love a nice walk with the family. Booey had an inset day a couple of weeks ago, it's always nice to have some one on one time with her.
It was very busy, thankfully this week has been quieter so I'm all caught up with the housework and bits x
DeleteWhat a week! I hate it when little jobs take forever to complete! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteThat painting sure did take a lot longer than I'd anticipated ;-) x
DeleteSounds like a great week - and why not have a bit of time off now and again, we all need it! Thanks so much for linking up to #TriumphantTales - hope to see you again on Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right Jaki, we all need to take a bit of time out now and again and it was such fun! See you next Tuesday x
ReplyDeleteWow you have been super busy!! No wonder you haven't had time to write. I didn't know you were friends with Martyn either, how fab. Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst