Hopefully, you can see the 'don't panic' written on that mug. That is how my morning was supposed to be. I was supposed to get up, do the housework, get Miss. L to school then come home, walk the dog and relax a bit before hitting the supermarket (apparently you have to have food in the house in order to cook). So that was the plan, unfortunately, I had omitted to send the memo to Monday and this is how it actually went.
Got up, stripped bed, sorted the washing into piles, showered and made myself presentable. That all went super well. I was on form I was even hopeful I'd get the dog walked before the school run. That was until I stepped out of the bedroom to be greeted by both the cat and dog and three piles of sick on my living room carpet. I will admit to swearing at the pair of them. I'm still not sure which one it was so they both got it and just to make sure, I made them wait for their breakfast whilst I cleaned up after them, loaded the washing machine and sorted the packed lunches. Those little furries will think twice before throwing up on my carpet again...well probably not, but it made me feel a little better.
Pretty soon I was all caught up and had decided to take the dog on the school run so he could have a sniff around the village rec. He enjoys that, there's lots of different things to smell and it's just a big open field that he can run around like the total loon he is. Anyway, that was the revised plan.
Suffice to say, that didn't happen either because there I was (which if you've read The Final Countdown you'll already know, but bear with) carefully braiding Miss. L's ridiculously long locks into a beautiful fishtail plait, (and it was beautiful) but that all went pear shaped when Miss. L slowly started pitching forward. If you read the other post, you'll know I was mother of the year and shouted at her to stand up straight as I was holding her hair and it was going to end up pulling, but she just kept going, which is when I realised she couldn't hear me. Thankfully, I was holding her hair so she didn't go head first into the kitchen chairs and I managed to grab her and pull her back on the floor before she fell (I didn't manage to stop her hitting her head on the table though...oops). Given she had totally passed out (complete with eyes rolling back into head) I decided a day off school might be a wise idea. She came round super quick, but she was totally drained of colour, shaky and very clammy, so we got her some water and I left her resting for a good half hour or so before letting her attempt the stairs.
It was when we were going up to her room accompanied by our little Max, that we met our would be attacker. Max reached the top of the stairs before us and was sniffing at something. It was not the largest, but it was a sizable moth. Now, anyone who knows myself and the girls, will know we are all terrified of moths. Thankfully Max wasn't and I had every confidence that he was going to rescue us...he didn't and it just flapped around us a lot, causing both of us to scream a lot, and well, we looked a bit like this...
Once the hideous thing had finished flapping about I pounced on it with a tissue; I'm so hardcore. My intention being that I would run into the bathroom and flush it down the toilet, but the Mr. Moth had other ideas.
He wrestled me to the ground (he's big, remember) and made his getaway, but not before flapping around our heads and deliberately dive bombing us. He was clearly, a little miffed at my attempt to dispose of him (to be fair, I get that) and from the look on his face it was more than obvious, that so far as he's concerned, my days are numbered.
I'm not sure where he is now, I've had a look around, but he's gone to ground. I'm pretty sure he's nearby. I feel like I'm being watched. He's studying me, finding my weaknesses and formulating a plan to exact his revenge upon me. I told D. I rather get the feeling he thinks I'm over dramatising the whole thing. Moi? Mais Non! Never! Anyway, D told me I should probably lock the knives away, so I have, you can't be too careful when you have a vengeful moth in your home. They become quite predatory, I believe. I'm thinking of removing all the light bulbs too, I mean if I don't turn the lights on, he can't catch me can he? The other option is to pack during the day, then leave the county under the cover of darkness, I'm considering changing our identities as well, I'm not sure if moths have gangs and contacts and all of that underground stuff.
Anyway, wish me luck and if I don't post again, you'll know the moth won!

Oh my!! hope Miss L is okay after fainting attack, it would be sad if she missed the last week in primary school. As for the moth, I'm sure you'll be ok. I've found that an open window is enough to lure them out. Moths really don't bother me at all, even the really big ones. My hubby, on the other hand, is terrified of them. I have to catch them and put them outside. In return he catches all the spiders for me and puts them outside. I can't stand those eight legged aliens.
Oh now I'm fine with spiders, I just catch them and pop them out, but those moths? Well I'm firmly in the same camp as your hubby ;-) x
DeleteOh my goodness what a day!
ReplyDeleteI hope your girl is OK.
hehehe! I don't like moths either x
She's fine now, thanks Kim. Glad it's not just us who hate moths :-) x
DeleteOh my goodness! What a morning. It sounds like you needed to go back to bed after all that. I hope your daughter is recovered. #MMBC
ReplyDeleteMiss L is all good now, but we're still none the wiser as to why she fainted. I still haven't found the moth x
DeleteMy goodness hope your girl has recovered, moths frighten me *shudder* X #mmbc
ReplyDeleteThanks, she doing fine now and as for the moth...he's still plotting ;-) x
DeleteOMG, you know you're having a bad day when your daughter passes out!!! Good luck with the moth.
Today is going a whole lot more smoothly. No sign of the moth and no fainting. Yay! x
DeleteIn our house, everyone would be competing to catch the moth, so they could hold it. I'm responsible for flying, stinging bugs, while my husband deals with the spiders. Hope your daughter is OK and enjoying her last week. #MMBC
ReplyDeleteShe's pottered off to school ok today, but she is desperate to get to the end of the week. Perhaps I could borrow some of your family to be on moth duty, spiders and stinging things are fine, it's just moths that freak me out ;-)
DeleteUgh. Monday mornings are the worst! Hope your little girl was ok shortly after, and I freaking HATE Moths too! Our cats decided it would be fun to bring one in to play with a few nights back, and I am kidding you not it was like the size of a baby bird!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Sarah! I saw one of those monster moths, it was sat on one of my car tyres the other day. Part of me wanted to photograph it, but I didn't want to hang around in case it decided to attack me.
DeleteWhy oh why do we add pets into the mix of an already full on family life. I feel your pain and hope you blog again unless the moth has other plans of course
ReplyDeleteSo far so good. I appear to have survived, so keep an eye out for new posts ;-) x
DeleteThat sounds like my mornings sometimes only I will occasionally wake up to two cats having knocked down my trash can and trash everywhere. I've learned to put it up higher and so far, so good but I wonder sometimes who is training who, lol! #bloggerclubuk
ReplyDeleteHmmm sounds like the cats are training you, but then I have a theory that cats own us and not the other way round x
DeleteI'm grateful that so far I haven't come to the attention of one of those monster moths! Hopefully all will be back to normal soon and he won't pay you another visit
ReplyDeleteSo far so good, but I have found a few baby ones. I should probably learn to shut the windows when it gets dark outside ;-)
DeleteJust an everyday kind of morning in parenting then! Hope the moth shows himself. I end up with lots from leaving windows open at night with the light still on. #BloggerclubUK
ReplyDeleteWell it was certainly an interesting morning, that's for sure. I think the open window thing is my mothy downfall ;-) x
DeleteGoodness me it sound like the stars were really lining up to get you that morning? Thank goodness you were braiding your little one's hair to be able to catch her? Hope she's OK. To be fair I'm not too bad with moths but had it been a spider I would have had to leave the building. Possibly the country. It's the only way! ;) Hope that your mornings have been moth free ever since. Thanks for linking to #DreamTeam lovely x
ReplyDeleteThe rest of the week has been a breeze, you'll be pleased to hear and no more monster moths. Now spiders, I am fine with, unless they jump, but if they just scuttle about that's fine :-) x
DeleteOh gosh what a terrible way to start a day! Moths are also one of my weaknesses - yuck! Hope things got better from there! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteThings got much better, thank you Jennifer and the rest of the week has been good ;-) x
DeleteHope your girly is ok! Scary fainting. I actually can't stand big moths. I would have had a fit. lol. Hope you find it. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
ReplyDeleteThank you, Miss L is absolutely fine now, but her sister fainted for the first time in Year 6 too, must be a hormone thing. As for the moth, no more sightings have been made ;-) x
DeleteHehehe this was really fun to read! I hope the killer moth doesn't come back!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at #BloggerClubUK x
ReplyDeleteHaha, so glad it made you smile. It was flipping terrifying at the time, but we've had a good laugh about it since ;-) x
DeleteMrs. G, I will swap my moth for your spider ;-) Have a great rest of the week x
ReplyDeleteI hope Miss L is ok!!! I've had a day similar where I accidentally closed the cat in our room, found a puddle of cat wee on our bed, Ben woke from a nap mid sorting the bed situation out, then the other cat puked downstairs so rushing around I tripped on a chest downstairs and broke my toe! They test us but its nothing a glass of wine can fix at the end of the day!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week.
I think you've won on the bad day front. Hope the toes heals soon x
DeleteWe dislike moths here too. #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteThey are just horrid aren't they. I always think of them as a failed butterfly prototype ;-) x
DeleteOh my God! I got panicked. By the way, people in Uk who seek for the significant double glazing cost, can contact with agents. It's really helpful and time saving.